Privacy Policy v7

Bernard Controls Application (BCAPP) - PRIVACY POLICY

Data collected

In order to access the BERNARD CONTROLS Mobile App you need to set up an account. The particulars to be supplied are as follows: first and last names of the BERNARD CONTROLS Mobile App User, the name and address of the company for which they are working, a valid business email address and a password which meets the required level of security.

These particulars are collected in order to be able to send the App User notifications about updates to the actuator firmware or to the Mobile App. Information may also be used for information purposes, after the Mobile App User has given his/her express agreement.


The User needs to give permissions for BERNARD CONTROLS to access different elements :

Utility : to exchange data and to establish a connexion to the BERNARD CONTROLS actuator, to easily operate, setup and maintain the actuator using the Bluetooth connection.
Goal : to connect to the BERNARD CONTROLS actuator and data exchange. Operating and setting in progress must not be stopped if the user put the application in background that’s why the access in background is required

Utility : to determine the User’s approximate (Radio or WIFI) or precise (GPS) location.
Goal : to determine the present location and the country where the actuator is located, and get the contact information of the local Customer service.

Utility : to authorize BERNARD CONTROLS to take pictures with the camera.
Goal : to scan QR Codes on the BERNARD CONTROLS actuators

Utility : to authorize BERNARD CONTROLS to access the mobile phone functions of the device.
Goal : to get BERNARD CONTROLS assistance.

Utility : read, write access to the internal storage of the device or external storage (ex : SD card) of the device.
Goal : to save configuration files or documents, language files, firmware etc.

Utility : to access to Internet.
Goal : to obtain documents, firmware, to create an account, to update the languages. These data are stored on an external remote server maintained by BERNARD CONTROLS

Utility : to authorize BERNARD CONTROLS to change system settings.
Goal : to read system setting, the IMEI number, the Android ID for traceability and security.

Shared Data

BERNARD CONTROLS only forwards the BERNARD CONTROLS Mobile App User’s personal data to subsidiaries of BERNARD CONTROLS, unless the User expressly requests otherwise. The subsidiaries which process the personal data on behalf of BERNARD CONTROLS do so with due regard to the rules on confidentiality..

Data security

BERNARD CONTROLS commits to seek to implement the best solutions of the market in order to protect all Users of the BERNARD CONTROLS Mobile App from unauthorized access to their personal data, destruction of their data or against any unauthorized disclosure of their data

Examples of security measures put in place by BERNARD CONTROLS:

Modifying these Confidentiality Rules

BERNARD CONTROLS reserves the right to modify these Confidentiality Rules at any time. Any lowering of the level of protection of the User Rights over this App, insofar as concerns these Confidentiality Rules, shall not be applied without the Mobile App User’s prior express consent

Actuator informations

By means of the Mobile App, the User can export Bernard Control’s actuator’s information. These information may be stored on the device. The software will be able to collect information on request.

When the User connects with the actuator via the Mobile App, the Mobile App reads all information like the alarm, the torque curve, parameters, diagnostic data, IMEI and Android ID as well stored in the actuator in order to allowed the plan manager to monitor the last user connexion to the actuator; these information are included in the actuator. These information can be exported and stored on action by the User on the mobile.

These information can be sent to BERNARD CONTROLS’s customer service to realize a complete analyse to be well advised on problem solving. The User accepts that BERNARD CONTROLS and third parties) treats such data without restriction in order to provide technical support.

Websites Links

The Mobile App contains links to the BERNARD CONTROLS website and other sites maintained by BERNARD CONTROLS or BERNARD CONTROLS’s contractors.

Links to other external websites : BERNARD CONTROLS does not assume any liability if BERNARD CONTROLS has not influence in this content.

Accessing and changing personal information

In the context of using the BERNARD CONTROLS mobile App, BERNARD CONTROLS allows any user of its mobile application to access personal information and correct or delete the same via an email request (email:

BERNARD CONTROLS reserves the right to decline any request that is unreasonable, i.e., a repetitious request or any request requiring disproportionate technical efforts.


In case of any query relating to data protection, please contact: